David Clarke bashes the ass of David Pakman and his continual lies of January 6th protest and cover up of left wing insurrections

     Leonardo Mcgregor

   Former Milwaukee sheriff county lawman and top dog David Clarke took the the airwaves and took pot shots  at our favorite Argentine and Venezuelan troll and podcaster propagandist that is David Pakman as one of out most all time hated pricks on-line Daid Pakman is a soy boy milk boy who lies and lies all of the time about Trump and Republican politicians . David Pakman cannot shit up about what he rambles  as the January 6th insurrection over blowing this one protest at the capital while as Mr Clarke says ignoring and never reporting on the hundreds of left-wing violent insurrection is various cities across America since the lie of police suppression was labeled by the mainstream left-wing corporate media and pricks on-line from the internet left such as David Prickman.

Mr Clarke called out these 'shits" of the microphone who lie and misrepresent everything and anything they can to attack Republicans and conservatives and me..mark that weasels like David Pakman are to blame for this divisive rage throughout America . Partisans shits like  Aaron Ruper and David Pakman and Thom Hartmann and Dick Kay among others strive to divide and do so most often on race and this

Argentine Israeli Pakman is a troll and a internationalist gets his orders from the Cartel drug networks and international socialism. Clare says internet media and fellow podcasters are all expressing divisive rhetoric and Mr Clarke repeated much of the same claims Sir Charles Barley made mention  but Clarke  with a particular focus how these streamer and internet podcasters like Pakman tell the followers his beliefs and uses his lies to spreads  this message out pretending it to be fact. as Mr Clarke stated the left in America have been in insurrection since 1999 at the bottle of Seattle and Mr Clarke is a veteran of his insurrection

having battled the Milwaukee branch of ANTIFA though 2002-2017 and he did a commendable job fighting the left-wing progressive Marxist insurrection that the libtard trolls of David Pakman ignore focusing all of their propaganda against conservatives and trump supporters talking shit constantly of January 
 6th nut ignoring the left-wing Marxist insurrection police have been battling in the Pacific Northwest and Brooklyn since rs for. David Clarke eviscerated this soy milk dude and dud David Pakman and others for focusing so much of their time reading fake polls and whining about the January 6th uprising ignoring the fact that more property damage has been caused in over 2 years from radical left mob members and domestic terrorists that are the Black supremacists of BLM, ANTIFA,  and Black Bloc radical anarchists which get their funding from China, Cuba,North Korea,  and Iran. 

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