Dwayne Johnson considers running for president

   Dwight Dwyer

   Dwayne Johnson was interviewed by Today host Wille Geist and once again the former professional wrestler named Dwayne Johnson is seriously considering a run for president and stated in these times of tension with possible war with Russia and China this country needs a strong leader and not one that has difficultly  going up into a airplane. Dwayne Johnson says if the people want him not only will he run for resident but he will run for the presidency of the WWE and work to take control of this wrestling company that is struggling and take over and improve the product .

Dwayne Johnson's interview will be seen next eek and more polling data is done to support a vision of a Rock Johnson administration. The new poll put forth shows over fifty percent of Americans or thise asked in this narrow poll and Rock Johnson from our sources is actually embarrassed of the weakness of Joe Biden doesn't understand why the man doesn't retire. Dwayne Johnson also wants a united country and he thinks like Sir Charles Barkely that politics is divisive and the system is created to purposely divide people and this is something Rock Johnson will tenaciously work against . 

the Rock says we should never have a president who keeps mumbling and forgetting his sentence and he suggested that Joe Biden should resign and just have himself be declared the president and will concentrate on running the country before seeking the nomination for the Democrat n 2024.

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