Erich "Mancow 'Muller and Roger Stone almost hit by drone strike ordered by Theft Biden

   Benjamin Edmonson

   The wicked Theft Biden administration has apparently committed its first drone strike in West Palm Bach Floridian as it attacked Roger Stone's office and missed instead hitting a warehouse three doors down and Mancow and Roger Stone posted a quick video of the  destruction that is getting no media coverage. Te lengths that this sick old Joe will go to silence his opponents is disturbing and this may be the first recorded drone attack within the soil of the United States Roger Stone has been a constant thorn on the deep state with his vociferous resistance towards  federal government has gone over this old man for some time and always is seeking to cause trouble for this former rock star legend turn political activist and right-wing pundit. Anyone who thinks this couldn't happen and that Stone and Cowboy are horseshitting there was a report that the California National Guard was seconds away form ordering a jet to attack potential domestic protesters in March o were in preparation of it. 

Mr Stone served time in a federal penitentiary and survived several shankings only to be released an pardoned by president  Trump and Mr Stone having his freedoms the political left that now wants Mr Stone  dead and they almost took out Chicago DJ legend Eirch "Mancow " Muller who was interviewing Mr Stone when a huge explosion was experienced next door in a suppose gas explosion but as Muller and Stone pointed  out this is likely not the case. Muller said he went outside and looked afar and actually saw the drone flying back to its new destination and this was clearly a drone attack on Mr Roger Stone. Muller and Stone  can't believe that the Theft Biden administration would preciously try to assassinate them with suck precision and hate and immediate made a video to post on-lien the next day overlooking the drone attack and the attmeot on their live. 

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