Mountain Dew dip Biker attacked and chased down a hill by center Brown Bear in increasing encounters

  Aaron Luther

Animal Stories

 Just as with surfers being attacked by left or right sharks there is  anew trend of Brown and Black bears attacking the adventure loving Mountain bikers and there has been an 85% uptick in cases of these potential attacks and conflicts. A video came out of the bad Leroy Brown Bear named UTY78321329 chasing down a hill a BMX rider was seen and disturbingly so as the Bear did not appear like it wanted to give up and whether the Brown bear actually did  get this guy was never known as the  video stops after the forty second mark as both man and beast disappear into the West woods. The number of harassing bike rides into Bear Land and agitations these large territorial  animals now face for adventure seeking assholes is something wild Bears don't need to experience as they have enough stress to meet their large caloric intake. 

 This event happened in Whitefish bay, Montana and the video was posted heavily by the Montana Knife company and served very good on-line advertising for them. There is an incredible uptick of Bear attacks on bikers and much like the surfer and shark incidents this is primarily because humans are entering these beasts environment.  There is also some bravado of these young men who can't  have the thrill of a run with the bulls anymore in Pomplano, Spain so they are going to the North and South Woods with their dirt bikes and baiting the bears to a race. These BMX are going to keep going out until there is a death and when these biker become killed then tougher regulations against the incursions into the woods and habitats of the Bears.

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