Gerald Riviera cusses out Dan Bongino and shows what a pond scum he is and he should seriously consider retirement

  Noel Parker

    Gerald Rivera is one of the worse lamest media hounds out there and how this man has a jib in 2021 is amazing. The man should of been fired for his over-hyped AL Capoyte's vault many many many moons ago and he should never have been in media following that debacle yet somehow the great media and up and comer Dan Bogino and other son Fox News have to share screen time with this rocan asshole . Gerald River's  media time should of come and past by now and he must have some photos on some executive and powerful position which could explain why the silly jackass still keeps appearing on media  and there was Gerald Riveria  again defending the left-wing insurrectionists in Brooklyn Center and Minneapolis the e other day and th defense of this armed insurrection and anti-police action among these Black Bloc minster sis something that Gerald Riveria has no problem and makes excuses something he obviously wouldn't do with the January 6th pro-Trump supports and the hypocrisy smells the whisker if Mr Riviera's ugly mustachio and he swore and attacked Dan Bongino on the Sean Hannity program and the two had a major disagreement about the radical Marxists rioting in Minnesota and Bongino accused people like Rivera of wanting to see the country burn to which Gerald Riviera answered with calling Dan the man a son of a bitch.

Gerlad Riveria is the son of a pig and his swearing on live TV with his usual neanderthal cussing that he has often done in his media career and this man should be censured and no longer allowed to propagandize for Fox news in promoting hatred against police. Why Gerald Hernandez has not moved back to Puerto Rico and retired by now us not beyond thought and this man is tiresome and he and his mustachioed fuck face need to go away form the screens and he needs to go to Puerto Rico and listen to some Jimmy Buffett  or Marvin Santiago songs .

Gerardo Riveria likely supports ANTIFA because he he was a no name dude in his twenties instead of a media elite he knows deep inside he would be among ANTIFA and as Dan Bogino pointed out in this debate Gerald Rivera  would be advocating the burning of buildings in order to meet his social justice lies. This wankster Geraldo is a dick smoker and a half who  often needs to dry off his mustachio with the bodily fluids of others

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