Jake Paul and Ben Askren will scam the system with a fight

    Paulie Smalley

   Wrestler turned bad fighter who supposedly lost  in five seconds best describes the chump Ben Askren  and after last years fight between Ben  and Jorge Malisodvel (Sin) we declared the entire spectacular and spectrum of UFC and MMA as horseshit fake fighting for people unable to box in reality and looking for a shortcut pretending  to be earned  and trained fighters.

Ben Ashkrun was some wrestler looking  for more bucks form a connected family and entered The UFC circuit supposedly being undefeated before he got into a match where some opponent kneed him in the end and the match ended in five seconds whcih was compete bullshit and since then we are declaring everything and anything to do with MMA and UFC as bullshit quick money  fighting of "athletes" that don't want to actually train and take th time to learn a skill and craft of fighting as something like boxing would require in order to be taken seriously and in prime time matches

    Which rungs s p to rand Paul's YouTube sensation son Logan Paul who for the past year want st be a boxer. Logan Paul has fought two amateurs like himself and looked impressive in beating his bigger opponents and does appear to have some boxing in ring skills that can develop into ... someday a mid level boxer bum like Tony Banta. Make no mistake Logan Paul is a boxer like as a broadcaster  of the lies  of a Johnny Carson or David Letterman. Logan Paul is only famous because h e is part of some elite hillbilly class of Paul family that likely s only rich because they were lucky Kentucky Hills Hillbillies who discovered Black gold while hunting rabbits and possums in the South woods.

 These two undeserving clown are going to get a fight and a payday in the five million dollar  mark  which t totally ridiculous and shameful more modern day globalism bamboozle of the system, and both Askren and Paul should be arrested for highway robbery and for the elite class such as these two nimrods there is no need to  commit robberies for themselves when they got money magicians lie Dana White setting up these gambling scams and paying them well. . Ben Askren is all about the Benjamin s and is  a bum scared of fighting and I would not be surprised if his e n not knocked down within a minutes as this guy just wants a huge paycheck and one he knows he could never make in the world of amateur wrestling and I would not be surprised if Paul knocks  him down telling this idiot to tie his boxing  boots. Ts even this created by the globalist corporate boot lickers for this Irish mobster Dana White and allowing a platform to move and gamble illegal money around as neither of these two fools should be receiving a fight and pay of this magnitude. 

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