Snake oil scam of scary tree snake is actually a robot AI spy drone

  Payton Jenkins

Animal Stories

       A snake freaked  out people in a park in Pittsburgh of as man people reported and then took a picture of his hug unidentified snake in a tree and the snake caused massive panic ll over the place  and the picture of this slithering beast went viral. The snake of unknown origin was seen slither in in Frick Park in Pittsburgh and the shocking  snake oil producing beast scared the shit out of many people nut other insist this snake was not even an actual snake and we suggest this snake was a AI robot meant to spy on citizens and the people of Pittsburgh. Big government is sending in all of their resources and creating these erotic robotic machines with the sole intention of observing the surroundings and spying on people 

 The snake on the tree in this Pittsburgh park was nit recognizable by many snakeologists and some are wondering if local and state governments are looking for new ways to put cameras out there and find opportunities for spyware to slither about on the trees and in the ground and perhaps no better robot for spying could be constructed than one after a snake. Even a week or two after the first spotting of this snake people are still trying to figure out what the frick was in Frick park . The top snake pod casters have come out in support of this snake possible either being planted to deal with Pittsburgh huge rat problem as some say this is the Black snake rat that devours and eats snakes on a whim or some are suggesting as our experts on this blog are in declaring this snake is an AI bot spying and observing for governmental officials the happenings 

at this local park. Whatever the case there will be more AI snakes birds. Planes,trains and automobiles all over the place as seen with the reliable technology of these root dogs that police agencies and governmental offices are purchasing all over. One can expect to see more of these robot Black rat snake sin disguise in cities and arks all across this land and stan as the deep state seeks new ways to exploit the landscape and stealthily attempt to spread surveillance crafts allover the areas many of them being in great disguise and unexpected from. 

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