Lack of coverage of Idaho mass stabber in 2018 and black demon again show the hypocrisy of the media covering up for the crimes of the Black racists and supremacists

  Dominick D'Souza

     Timmy Kinner was a sick and demented Black drug ex con who attempted to do what is a usually Chinese phenomenal of mass stabbings. The deranged Black man attacked a immigrant family and stabbed like ten children killing one during a birth day party in what is obviously a hate crime in 20218 as the man attacked a bunch of brown children and this crime was obviously racially motivated as the blacks never do these types of crimes against their own people Timmy Kinner pleaded guilty this past week but hardly a little bo beep discussed ts act of domestic terrorism on part of this savage nor was there much coverage in

the national media when an eight year old girl was murdered in this mass knife attack by this terrorist and his damage in Boise,Idaho after having moved to the city from  Memphis, Tennessee. The guilty plea spare  trila that may of exposed and presented more evidence that Tommy Kinner's violent rampage was racially based and motivated as he attacked children whom all were migrant refugees fleeing violence in their home lands to be part of Black hate unique culture in  America where little is done to reprogram the hate coming from the Blacks on those of different racial groups . If this crime was committed by a White male against Brown  immigrant refugee children  it would be splattered all over the news and the trial covered by all the major media network with live footage.  Only a Black male could do such a horrible crime of chasing kids around an apartment with a knife and eventually stabbing 9 children and women of another eacw  and ethnicity  and killing  one because he was likely in  drugs and a crazed hate mongering soul, 

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