Sam Seder and one of his bimbos bash Michelle Malkin angered she has a voice and platform at News Max

Jason Fool

    Left wing crazed radical named Sam Seder attacked a woman who has been in media and broadcast and Mr Seder is another  troll hating the fact that Michelle Malkin is still in media and fighting the good fight against the liberal and urban corrupt class. Malkin is still working and talking the lies of big media against the new Georgia law that makes it harder for the Democrats to steal elections and rig the systems during elections. This naturally has the insane foolish  class that seeks to steal local, state, and national elections primarily for Democratic candidate nuts and make sit harder got big government Democrats to win elections without the obvious theft that would enrage much of the public. Sam Seder and one of his new bimbo hosts

basically are angered by the idea that an Asian woman would speak independently and not share the view of other liberal Asian women in political  offices and the suppression of free speech is the ultimate goal of leftists such  Sam Seder and the foolish  various female co-hosts who all look like they are refugees from an Eastern Europe brothel. The amount of racism that Sam and his bimbo number one is describer Michelle Malkin is repulsive as they accuse her of being an Asian face for White supremacy and according to these two shits Asians should only have one political voice and this is to be pro-Democratic and pro-corruption. 
 Sam Seder  is a Moronic  fool and he and his ho bitchs lie and manipulate about the Georgia laws meant to prevent election corruption and this is the goal that extreme partisan Democrats like the Jewish Sam Seder see to attain and propagandize for in giving his political side the allowances and advantage i  election manipulation. Sam Seder is  a prick  and a half and a liar like no other with Pinocchio nose fitting for a Pinocchio looking silly bastard that he is still depressed that his gay lover Michael Brooks died and he no longer has bot y toys as co-hosts and the feminzation of his own on-line product proceeds because he is a dumb fool and asshole.  

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