Middle East leftist propagandist and jackass Reece Elrich is dead of cancer

 Cecil Brewster

    Propagandists Reece Elrich is dead. The long time writer and complainer f US foreign policy in he Middle East died in a long time battle against cancer likely form spending too much time in Te Middle east as a fake news journalist reporter and smoking too many Hookhas and it is because of jackasses like Reece Elrich why we have so many vape and smoke sops that have come to these shores despite the overwhelming evidence that more and more people have quit smoking. Reece Elrich often wore an old fedora and came

on many of these left wing perspective podcasts to give his lies and misinformation of the war in Syria and Libya and he tried to blame US foreign policy on every misadventure and problem in the region and nothing could be further from the truth. Without US involvement the region would of been more was plagued and unstable and men like Reece Elrich actually were sympathetic with the terrorists, This silly bastard also was a puppet and supporter for Recep Tayipp Turkey as he never had a negative thing to say about the Turkish dictator and often rallied about ranting hysterically against the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar . One of Reece's goal was to live long enough to see Khlaifa Hitler defeated and Libya once again reunited into a barbaric repressive terrorist state and Mr Elrisch often made the comparison of Khalifa Haftar to Adolf Hitler. Reece often appeared with other nonsense talkers and propagandistsof the media and was a jackass and a half a man who couldn't defend his obviously political hackness and bias in covering this war torn region and added nothing but more confusion  and misrepresentation about the instability  of the region that has existed since the fall of the Ottoman power.
 Reece Elrish will be appearing no mo in media outlets giving jis take of the situations in the Middle East and all of the things this man expressed were never fact and just his opinion and is opinion only but the left alternative media often used this foo for a source of misinformation and lies about the region and the horseshit of Reece Elrich has come to an end. One up and one hopefully coming as Greg Palast may need to follow in this fedora hat wearing jagoffs footsteps. Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar made mention of the death of Reece Elrich and declared this demo bird  dog for Race Tayipp is now working for the devil in hell and we couldn't agree anymore. 

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