Humpty Hump is the next rapper dead as he dies from Aids

    Neil Knight

   Humpty Hump raper fro the eighties is dead breaking out prediction that Snoop Dogg would be the next famous rapper to drop like an acorn from a tree. The Digital Underground lead singer and hip hop rap legend died on complications of HIV after years of busting cherry juice and going down lo on fat , skinny, and all types  hos out there and this is pary of the natural process that comes with being an entertainer. Humpty Hump made no bones that his skinny ass fucked alot of strange pussy and the rapper known as Shock G didn't care if the pussy was attached to something of a hundred and twenty pounds or if  it was art if a five hundred pound fat bitch. The rapper Shock G made mention in his Humpty song that he got busyin a Burger King bathroom.

The rapper known as G Humpty also was part of this Underground Digital band that may have had just th one hit that get slayed to this day and like much of these rap one hit legends Humpty and his other music sucked ass. shock G fucked so much it was only a matter of time before he developed Aids and his death came days after Back Robb was announced deader than a door nail and  a week after something called DMX died and made mainstream headlines.

Humpty also appeared int he classic Dan Aykrod movie "Nothing but Trouble" were he played himself performing his one hit wonder Humpty Hump thus earning his this title and rap persona Shock G or Humpty Hump often stated that he was spooked out by appearing and working on this film as the thought of Dan Aykrod with his penis nose and in his old fuck face mask make u was a image that Humpty was terrorized the rest of his life until last week and couldn't erase from his fucking brain. Shock G dead at the age of 49.  

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