Recep Tayipp Erdogan needs to meet with Khalifa Hafter and not meddle in Russian affairs and meet Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy

 Ali Muhammad   

    news broke last week that Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan is trying to win the noble peace prize buy meditating in between the Ukraine and Russian Black sea dispute and some are praising  this mad dog dictator of Turkey that has repressed the rights an freedoms of his people form day one of taking office and then keeping it rigging local and national elections and showing the Americans and democrats hwo to successfully partake into stealing and corrupting what are suppose to be Democratic elections.  Mr Erdogan should be brokering peace in Libya instead of waging war and this maniac doesn't want to talk and make peace with Libyan great warlord Khalifa Haftar and is doing his most to keep the war in the Eastern

Mediterranean going as this maniac dictator Erdogan is a dog and wants more warfare and destruction spread across from places like Syria and Libya has then he and his forces can come in and scoop it up. Recep Tayipp Erdogan is worried about warfare and a European conflict on his nations borders and this explains why he is pushing for peace between Russia and Ukrainian as this man wants to expand in North African and conquer all of Libya for the Turkish neo-Ottomon values and state.

This is why he is meeting with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy instead of trying to end the conflict in Libya and indeed is expanding by waging war on the  great forces and international seven nation army of Khalifa Haftar instead of brokering a peace and meeting with this gran field marshal whose  mercenaries throughout the world have traveled and joined up including may of our staff writers fighting for the independence of the Berber North African people against the orders of the New World government. 
 The fact is Recep Erdogan Tayipp is jealous of the actual field success of field Marshall Khalifa Haftar as Erdogan is not fit to walk the armies Shepherd guard dog yet alone to command any actual battle on the ground and this Neo-Ottoman jackass is no neo-Confederate or Robert E Lee. Erdogan is a dog shit brain dictator who want a  return to traditional beliefs and is hugely unpopular in his own country and this is why he seeks foreign distractions and continue politician repression and election avoidance and rigging irregularities  in Turkey that were influential in th American Democratic Party to use similar tactics this past national election cycle. The  more neo-Ototmon soldiers from the fourth Turkish Republic of this devil Erdogan come into conflict and enter Libya the more body bags will be zipped up from Libya and returned to sender for Erdogan and Turkish forces to retrrive as Khalifa Haftar and his allies lick ass nothing like this Turkish dictator . Khalifa Haftar is a awsome dude whom we support and he often does a left shark hand signal in appreciation for this support form Milwaukee, Chi-town, and Indianapolis. 

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