Old bitch Maxine Waters eviscerated at this everyone on the right as she threatens a left wing insurrction

     Cody  Maloney 

    Maniac crazed  far left-wing politician  radical Marxist California Congress person, Maxine Waters is taking tons of heat as just about everyone is blasting this old pitch. This woman came to Minneapolis control fuel to the fire and it's tearing on potential violence in promoted in a recent cliff and for her role in this speech she should be taken out of Congress in face a court of law for treason against this nation.

Everyone from The Hodge Twins  to Anthony Brian Logan to Tomi Lahren two Officer Tatum and too salty Cracker and just buy a one right-winger a taxes old career politician who never leaves office and has served two divide this country as much as she can in her power Maxine Waters is a criminal and a anime to this nation and is not a politician and her links to promote and call for writing violence goes back

decades and the wicked old witch form California needs to  be replaced and impeached as the woman is a radical race baitor  and want s racial conflict and struggle he=because she is such a evil fuck. Watching  the best YouTube hosts take down this old woman Maxine Waters made me Maxine out of seeing this crazy old troll politician and it is politician scum such as Maxine Waters that is making this country so slit and people need to make these cretins like this ugly bitch Waters an tell her to split. About  the only good

thing to say about Maxine Waters recent call for violence that was captured n screen telling people they need to stay on the streets and confront police was that she was wearing a mask and we were spared seeing her eighty year old face. This old congressmonster  bitch got eviscerated form just about anyone who is a a large voice for conservative causes for her encouragement for violence and politicians like Maxine Waters and their calls for street violence and insurrection need to have their own day the in court with similar sentences  and charges that Derrick Chauvin will now face. 

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