Sam Seder and his two bimbos Nomiki Konst and Emma Vigeland and hate on Tucker Carlson for talking forced ethnic cleansing and demographic change

  Eric Ericson

      The  lunatic left often loves to talk of the coming demographic changes and somehow think this is good for the country given the shit holense of the countries many of today's legal and illegal immigrants come from that were already helping the country  decline before psycho path Joe Biden stole the election on 2020. Tucker Carlson explained hos liberal and the left enjoy the idea of the ethic change and how it can preserve a possible one party state and this is the goal  of the open border maniacs who want to destroy this country through massive immigration and people the Democratic Party can easily manipulate.

Tucker has been talking about the Democratic demographic hope and encouragement and is pretty much the reason they have created a crisis on the border and encouraged tons of Mexicans and Central American sto come through our undefended borders and make their way into Democratic sanctuary cites and states where the political scumbag traitor class in these areas can use these illegals to obtain more and preserve political success. As usual Sam Seder of the Majority Report and his two bimbos of No Me Key slut and whore  Emma Vigeland needless lied and called Tucker Carlson a White supremacy and anyone and

everyone who watches Tucker Carlson on Fox  is a White supremacist for he pointing out the obvious how people and Banking class people are united in their pan to take over this country through massive illegal entry into the county bypassing our immigration laws. Ticker is attacked left and right by the insane leftists liek Sam and his botches because they can;t handle the truth are are triggered like a mother fucker to have to hear a man in media speak like this and feel the need t report back. For Sam Sedar and the retarded folks at the Majority report anything they hear form somehow they don't like or agree they throw the racism card because they have no other answer or ability to debate. sam and his bimbos especial No Me Key  Nomiki Konst lie and hate on Tucker because they are all far left fascists. Konst in particular  is a slutty wench wirch and a half deserving of a porn movie made in her tribute where fifty Japanese two inchers giiz this woman  jizzz nut on her fuck face. 

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