Professor Michael Munger and thirty eight other North Carolina professors call for Joe Biden to be removed for office under the 25th amendment

  Jordan Morgan

      Last year Duke Libertarian super star rock star  professor and perpetual losing candidate for congress,senate, and forever Micheal K Munger was one of thirty eight Economic professors of higher education calling for congress to be undemocratic in nature and remove a elected president. The disgusting act of treason also was imitate I am sure  other members of the established academia circle jerks who just want to have a power trip and the left long distrusted hated former president Trump because he was against  the global order that funds America academia and men like Munger.  I think the only candidate in politics who lost more elections than Michael Munger is Jim Oberweis.

Well it appears professor Michael Munger and the the other  thirty eight or so North Carolina professors are at it again and this time with a more substantial claim that giped lip  Frog face Joe Biden and the Bidenettes administration need to be removed form office and this is something I can agree with more especially given the  nefarious nature and abuse of mail in voting and having Democratic loyalists mail in the votes of their relatives that was strongly committed

especially by strong African American Democritus Party loyalist who were so brainwashed with hate by the media they actual believed in the medias claims of White Supremacy Mr Trump they did every illegal trick n their baskets to prevent Trump s reelection voting for someone without a properly functioning  brain and who will bring about a quicker done to this country. Michael Munger is hoping that the removal of president Biden will open the way as Michael Munger is setting up a committee team to look into the possibility of a presidential run as he will run either under the Libertarian Party ,  the Collegiate Party, or the  Anti-Socialist  party third party run .Michael Munger will sign any decree calling for the removal of a president as long as it is no Michael himself who has had these political ambition just as strong as Biden and trump but he is much lesser known and will never be a state representative or county commissioner yet alone a national figure.

Profesor Munge ris beloved by the Duke University community often winning most popular professor awards and contests and Munger thinks he is able to relate to young voters and  libertarians as many look for an alternative to the traditional political party  I'm still shocked and appalled that Munger . who claims to be so much against socialism in his lectures. would actually have signed the decree for Trump to be removed fro the 25th amendment but his signing it again has give me new faith into this award winning academic who often make rounds on Russ Roberts economic podcast and is a guest of other programs and podcasts making the case for libertarian-ism to triumph   of the evils of socialism.

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