Roman Balmokov calls for the canceling of H3 podcaster and slime ball Ethan Klein

    Lee Park Kong

    The Epoch Time editor and spokesman Roman Balmokov out strong on the Epoch Time s YouTube channel and called for the canceling of the internet personalty and vlogger Ethan Klein for being a pro-Chinese and anti-Hong Konger puppet for China after Mr Klein came out in strong support and aid that we need to stay out of Taiwan and that involvement in the dispute among the Chinese  is none of our business and we need to stay out  of left-wing lunacy by this  maniac Ethan Klein who is perhaps one of the most moronic lesser known  non-major broadcasters not on late night television is amazing as Jesse Lee Peterson would say. Ethan Klein says Taiwan should be part of China and we need to accept it as we always had a one Chinese policy before this jerk Trump as Klein called him changed the rules and our recognition since Nixon made this decision.

Ethan Klein is arguably a ANTIFA maniac often attacking Republican, police,gun owners, conservatives,and anyone else who is not a fellow left-wing maniac such as Mr Klein. Roman Balmokov says this guy needs to stick with trolling other internet young fuckers and leave foreign policy

acknowledgements or talk to the streets and this obviously is over the had of this shit head Ethan Klein who spends most of his time trolling other huge name son-line seeking to cancel them and watch old people in scooter videos which this jerk is obsessed with doing some ridiculous podcasts on-lie with  his purchased wife and fellow mystic of insanity in a wench named Helda. The Chinese set up their constituent and somewhere they found this wife from eastern Europe  for Mr Klein who is not matched well and is too hot for such a buffoon clown. Roman cannot beoeive how Klein got this woman ans we say the Chinese  red army or Russians provided for Helda to marry this fuck tard podcaster so he can effectively  be used as anther Anti-American podcaster propagandizing  on-line and as frequent as he does for radical left-wing causes of dissent in this country. 

Ethan Klein is stupider than shit and in reality  has no thought  provoking and lame sight and only Chinese money  I suppose explains  how this knuckleheads even a major presence with the ids on-line. as Ethan Klein is a modern day Rasputin, Trotsky,  Vladimir Lennin, Joseph Stalin , and Vladimir Putin all rolled up into one with a niece bow on top as Anthony Brian Logan would say about this mother fucker Klein.  Most of Ethan's fan base are these fat gamers who live in their mothers  basement and play video games watching the streams of bad internet personalities such as this hack for China 

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