Theft president Biden turns his back on Afghanistan banana stand operators and promised to pull out and give country to Islamic radicals who placed bounties on American pony soldiers

 Woody Underwood

    The theft rigged commander in chief otherwise known as Joe Idiot declared that the United State swill be withdrawing from Afghanistan on the date of 9/11 when is whcih Taliban refuge Osama Bin Ladden attacked America and  the decision of picking this day for withdrawal should not be lost. Joe Biden is a psychopath radical who is thankfully on his last leg and hopefully he will not  be with us by  September 11 but his decision to withdraw the our troops from this country and giving Afghanistan to a radial crazy members of the Taliban who paid bounties to one another for the death of Americana soldiers is

something that a scum bag pony soldier and far left crackhead of Joe Biden and his son should not be so unexpected. Joe Biden sis turning his back on the women in Afghanistan and the mall independent businessmen and banana stand operator sin this remarkable country and this crackhead Biden is out to give the country to the evils of the Taliban is utterly reprehensible and is an impeachable offense. Joe Biden is putting the banana stand operator at the mercy of the Islamic fascist NAZIs of the Taliban and allowing the Taliban 
 to once again run supreme will now cause problems and reoccupation in the future as the Islamo-fascist mindset of the Taliban is no different than the early days of Muhammad and this is ever growing expansion of their death cult and power through it first within their own territorials and then eventually through inspiration of expansion through the evil deeds of their holy book of the Koran. Theft Biden wants the world to be a more unstable place and giving religious extremist on par with the Islamic Republic f Iran in such a remote and important geological area is right out of the playbook fo Theft Biden and the Democrats. 


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