Dmitri Diamond
A young former working at the brutal conditions of a Federal Express processing plant in Indianapolis shot up his former workplace and it didn't take long before another minority group attempt dot make racial and ethnic issues and motivation for this as the sick Sikh community felt targeted and many members proclaimed it . As usual rotten Indianapolis mayor Joe Hogsett tried to make this a crime of targeted hate as this fed ex facility seemed to have a 90% Sikh Indian workplace although Sikhs are still a tiny minority and if this federal express workplace is so heavily swayed to a workforce of such a small minority question should be asked to as why there is a lack of diversity and likely non-Sikhs are pushed out of the job and this could be why this shooter named Brandon Scott hole and somehow the Sikhs think they ere targeted even tough only half of the victims were of Sikh descent n a facility that was supposedly 95% of the Sikh religious minority in America.
Again the reason this facility was 95% Sikh workforce probably gives credence to there was huge favoritism and discrimination going on in this companies hiring practices and job placement no doubt this idiot mayor to come out and make declarations of anti-Sikhism where there is no evidence s typical of the garbage we see throughout the nation and its Democratic leadership. Tehre is no dot in my miind that we have the worse mayor of the country and this man is an incompetent buffoon.

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