The punk Scott Horton comes on with Paul McGovern as guest to blast US policy and basically defend the authoritarian in Russia an China

    Milton Wiener

    Scott Horton runs something called Anti-War .com which is a political anti-American website and internet zone where he promotes unity against the  ability of the in  being a world power and defending the free world,. Scott Horton and his constant left-leaning anti-military and anti-American global power guests constant twist the narrative and brig about  a false story that it is the United States and its protection position of  the trade sea waves that are at the root cause of the worlds problems and not the genocidal concepts of global Islamism or international communism/socialism. Scott Horton had perpetual fountain of misinformation and former failed CIA director and turned political partisan activist ray McGovern on his show an blamed full responsibility of the Ukraine tension on the hands of past  American administrations instead of the expansive policies of a mad dictator Vladimir Putin who has his own internal problems and seeks foreign wars to distract and unify the Russian people. The euphemism these two men are willing to try to discredit our foreign policy is unbelievable and one can conclude these two do so because they are paid hacks of our overseas adversaries. 

The hick and dumb punk Scott Horton ( God I miss writing about him) made the same usual dumb comparisons of what would our reaction be if Russian forces sent warships and aided Canadian and Mexican militaries  to amass on our border or once again put missiles in Cuba and both of these men defended the Russian empire and new dreams  of expansion of it by Vladimir Putin instead of recognizing the Independence of the  Ukraine people and how they actually are the ones constantly  harassed and circles by the Frisians instead of the other way around where these two dip shit propagandists attempt to lie to their small listening base at Ray McGovern is a Paul Krugman-type looking asshole who nobody cares about except the propagandist podcasting word that Scott Horton is  art of doing his

podcast and small wattage radio station in KTLA in Los Angles that has few listeners. The apologists for Russia then turned their attention to China and defended the ever growing presence and intimidation to other Asian nations by the growing threat of Jinping Xi and China and again these two hacks seem to represent the views and promote the ideas and policies of America'a major enemies. Horton and McGovern say starting with the Bill Clinton administration the United States deep state has been pressing the Russia and and the Chinese leading to more and more confrontation and US policies is driving the world to a third world war whcih both men predicted a third world war coming about later in the year.

. Scott Horton has been propagandizing for decades and has some 5000 interviews on-line in video and podcast form attacking he United States  and Israel and the amount of propagandizing Mr Horton and this former CIA  jerk McGovern do for the overseas empires and rivals of the United States is amazing and only the extreme freedoms we have allow such horseshit to be aired and spread though mic.

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