Clay Travis bashes the stupid Dave Zirin and Max Kellerman say and play race card about upcoming draft

   Dave Berkson 

    There they go again as perennial left-wing spots race card players Dave Zirin and Max Kellerman of ESPN are injecting race into sports talk complaining that the NFL has a draft problem when it comes to potential first round picks with both weasels coming out and saying the NFL prefers White quarterbacks to be chosen first and be he face of the league.

Clay Travis pushed back against  the ESPN insanity of playing race into being a topic of why or who chooses top draft picks and Travis is one of  the few voices willing to take on the race hustlers and squirmy likes of Kellerman and the horrendous Dave Zirin who talks abut racism so much he should change his name to Dave Racism. A column came out on the ESPN website that was full of lies and misinformation and then it was followed up by screwball jerk Max Kellerman's take on race and how it is apart of the selection process in the top draft picks and plays a major role as the league wants major top White college athletes to get higher draft status and selection.  Clay Travis 

Travis pointed out to these woke shots on ESPN and the fan base that the top four quarterbacks with the highest salary are Black players and those who say the National Football League promotes and has a objective of putting a priority  of selecting White  quarterbacks higher in the first round have no merit to their race-based clams and misinformation and this is what These activists like Zirin and Kellerman pretending to be sport journalist soften do on order form their woke masters. Max Kellerman is a woke libtard who

came on the racial agitator network that is ESPN and said the NFL is a racist league as he expressed concern the top three player selected in the upcoming draft will be white and if this is the case this is a major problem for mad Max. Max Kellerman along with this idiot Zirin are clowns and the amount  of anti-Whiteism expressed by these two jag fags would never be dared repeated or reversed.

Both Max Kellerman and Dave Racism are so angered that Oklahoma's Justin Field's is slipping in the draft they can do their usual explanation and blame put for this drop on racism. Again Clay Travis called t up out these two morons horseshit and brought up example over example of Black quarterbacks who didn't slip in the past few years in the draft and for these two dip shits to say show  pretty much illustrate the OCD they suffer as Marxist believers and thinkers of race being put upon any and all discussion.

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