Is Opto Gay or just loves trolling in the hood with his prank channel

   Andy Cruz

.    Abdo is a YouTube pranksters on an outlet called Top Notch Idiots where the and his friend clown around and make all sorts of trols and videos on people in ghetto areas and making most often the case homosexual references. Abdo is one of the top YouTube channels out there and his most popular ranks all have to deal with pranking thugs in the hood and they often have a high number of gay-inspired prank themes makes one wonder of Abdo and his partner on this YouTube channel are gay. Their jump inspired antics of asking ghetto residents if they want to be jumped and then have AJ Wolf;y aahh jump over teir heads like a wolf is classic.

 Abdo's video may often pre-planed and staged as well as the amount of bullshit he does would get him killed or seriously injured and what system he has to prevent hti sand harm for himself and his partner is not known at this time bu the pranking they do all have potential violence with then being thrown up against the wall or pushed down on the pavement.

Opto and AJ Wolfley have garnered some 150 million views on YouTube with their one  series about gold diggers earning them most likely  the largest amount of click sand again govern their tremendous misogyny  and focus of that series the question needs to be asked if Opto and AJ are gayer than a four dollar bill and the sexual arousael they get from their prank videos is amazing.

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