Women mistaken a wild Coyote or Fox for a baby dinosaur more evidence of increased toxic drug use in America

 Jay Yang

Animal stories

  I knew when I first heard this horseshit  media  story a woman saw a baby dinosaur run though her yard and had the video evidence to prove this wasn't the case this was not going to be another media feel good warm story. The woman who reported this incident and the stupids in he media that ran it played their usual deceptive headline looking bad journalism and the video clearly shows the created this drug  addicted meth head in pothead, Florida and what no one ever answered back to this crazed woman named Cristina Ryan is that where there is a baby dinosaur a mama version should be around and why didn't she see this creature as well. Was the big dinosaur hiding in the woods.

The amount of coverage and video annalist the media gave in covering this story in which the video shows is either a hen house stealing Fox rustler or a Wild B Coyote type animal in the video and how this woman can mistake a baby dinosaur with either of these creatures is actually the mystical part of this story . 

 This woman who makes this dinosaur observation proclamation is clearly nuts and why she didn't' say she say a baby loch ness monster instead of surprising as if she trusted the science she should know most scientists  99% will declare the dinosaur an extinct reptilian creature. Ms Ryan is either a meth head or does coke and likely she did both the night she mistook a wild mammal fast predator for a dinosaur and this should of been the end of the story as there is nothing to report on such insanity but given the unpredictable nature of our rotten media many news organizations and syndicates reported this story as if it were fucking fact. the animal that ran past this nut balls backyard was either a Coyote or perhaps a Florida panther and this should be obvious from anyone studying the anatomy of wild Coyotes and no this wasn't a dinosaur that flew past this bitches yard.

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