Barack Obama proclaims Aliens exist and we must coexist and he considers running for president in 2024

   Arnold Buckley


   The Aliens are coming and will be the fake news media sensation and outrage soon. Barack Obama came from under the woodpit and gave all hos knowledge and information on what he knows about Area 51 and space rocket space beings and he denied there is any such knowledge of drive to instead the public with what has been discovered. Obama says don't believe the hype and there are not Silver beings from Planet X flying about and dropping their cargo into the oceans as out top military observes unable to process what is occurring right before their eyes by and known entity with far superior technology.

Barack Obama also denied these beings installed him as a puppet for their interests or that they have a powerful lobbying force. Barack Obama though is seriously thinking of running for president again and wants to set up a exploratory committee to investigate these UFOS and by doing such he obviously is catering to the UFO obsessive compulsive voters who want a politician Moon beam and one of their own into the White House and Barack Obama may indeed be part alien himself. which ma explain his excellent oratory talents that enabled him into the position of president of the United States. hTis is an office we predict Barack A Obama will once again try to claim and he will run in 2024 challenging his former vice president in the Democratic primary as a new book claims Obama called him a dumb mother fucker and sees Joe Biden as totally incompetent  and hurting both his brand and the brand of the democratic party and he told insiders this dumb mother fucker is a danger and should retire already

Barack Obama talking about aliens on Stephan Colbert's program may be a simple troll of Tucker Carlson's insistent rambling on the topic or perhaps more sinister both media moguls and the former president know what is coming which we have been dreading and this will be the bullshit story of 2022 or 2023 and the media will come out with these guys in plastic green outfits and make claims they are aliens from  the planet Uranus and everyone must get daily anal probes to save the planet from global warming.

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