Rodrigo Duturte gives a gag order and threatens to keep his ships in South China Sea

   Lee Park Kong

    The recent dispute in the South China sea escalates and Philippine president Rodrigo Duture says that he is not backing down and if he loses his hard fought friendship with China then let it be. The Philippine strongman says that China must be stood up to and Duturte and Philippine nationalists were angered that China has put a fishing ban through the entire region and banned Philippine fishing vessels from th region which president Duturte says is unacceptable. Duturte has ordered a gag order and much le gagging a Chinese prostitute the ministers and cabinet members of the Philippines re not allowed to speak on this matter concerning the maritime territory dispute between the Philippines and China.

 Rodrigo Duture is on the list of who the globalists want to replace and angering China will see a tramped up effort to dislodge Mr Duture like they did with trump and are now doing full frontal assault on Brazil and India's  leaders because this is what the liars for China and the people at John Hopkins University work for and do. China passed a bill this past January where they can fire on foreign vessels for fishing onto these disputed seas and this unquestionably has pissed off Mr Duturte. 

The south China sea does not belong to China and his is something Rodrigo Duturte is insistent  on and he is building up his navy to go out and patrol the oceans like they have never done before determined not to look cowardly in the face of the expansionist Chinese empire. Rodrigo Duture kicks ass and he is not only going to gag his ministers he may just kick the ass and gag he Winnie the pooh fuck leader of China if he ever gets a hold of him alone without the bodyguards for this scumbag Jinping Xi who thinks he can claim any territory he wants to prop up his brutal authoritarian one party state .  Rodrigo Duture and his soldiers battle pirates, sharks, Communists, Islamist, drug runners. Gorillas, Guerrillas, Chinese, Vietnamese, Bandits,smugglers, Sri Lankens,  muggers, Maoists, gangsters, Hmong, ,Americans, Armenians, Outlaws, Socialists, Martians and others. 


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