Tucker Carlson bashes Chicago monster mayor and monster of the MIdway Lori Lightfoot and has our rat exterminator Aaron Luther on his program

  Carlson Tucker

     Tucker Carlson  of Fox TV news ripped apart Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot the other day as the rotten mayor of Chicago and his demands for only Black and Brown journalists to ask him questions made headlines and news throughout the country and Tucker says this blatant in your face obvious racism is what the Democratic party is all about in 2021. Larry's  decree for news coverage and asking of questions is pathetic and is reason enough to force a resignation for this mayor . Mayor Lightmouth has shocked and appalled people with the comments that only minorities will be allowed to interview his ass in the future and even this declaration has shocked the otherwise liberal and pandering local media with few people ridiculing the decision with deserving mockery that this

announcement from Larry Lightfoot deserves. Tucker Carlson called Lori a NAZI Monster from hell and this is exactly what we have been saying for a long time and people cant  blame poor Lori. She is not only a monster but  a puppet for the globalist class and the amount of  sign language   corrupt politicians must stand for is a signal to China that the puppetry is visible and in the face of all Americans and these sign language people next to politicians like Larry Lightfoot might as well as be pulling string instead of supposedly communicating with the small population of the deaf.

I'm surprised that Democrat politicians don't have a Spanish translator immediate speaking sentenance  by sentence in another charade in front of the press.
 Lori Monster doesn't serve the American flag nut the flag of global Chicago and the horse manure this garbage mayor puts out is fitting and deserving of a liberal retarded city like Chicago which long ago would of become Detroit if not for international; (mainly Canadian) propping up with massive debt allowance and free money to crooked cronies  in government and business with more loyalty to international cities than nation. The people running liberal cities in American are the same ones siding with the British and inflaming  stroking redskins to attack and wage warfare upon in the early days of this nation. 

 Tucker ended his interview with having our fame rat exterminator and contributor from Milwaukee in Mr Aaron Luther to discuss the rat problem in Chicago and how it reflects the overall problems of this  so called " great" city as Lori described it and Mr Luther says dogs would be a better use that the planed releasing of thousands and thousands of cats by the Lightfoot administration in cathoots with a animal cat shelter that has seen in cat population increase dramatically durign the Covid campaign . Chicago has a rat problem but it is not always the small four legged creagtire which iods as often the problem.


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