Islamic radical Zakir Naik mocks the suppose shortage of air in India and he says one day Allah will only give air to Muslims

    Exiled Indian terrorist and preacher Zakir Naik is a demon in human form and a spokesmen for the evil cult that is Islam. Zakir naik is a man without  a country living in Malaysia and he has stated such division and hat ein India he officially  got banned form his native cojuntrhy and should this asshole ever step foot on Indian soil he would immediate be arrested . Even Pakistan doesn't want this son of a dog and Mr Nair is among the most famous preachers of the death cult kn own as Islam.

Zakir Naik recently praised the high number of Covid cases in Indian as just reward . Zakir Naik bashed the concept of a oxygen shortage in India and said thatg one day Allah will only give air to the righteous and those who memorize and can recite the Moran like he can as Zakir Naik's brain is butter having memorized not only the unholy book of the Koran but all other major global religions thagt he memorizes and seeks to discredit with his  amazing supernatural talents for hell or Mars. Zakair Naik has said even good non-Muslims will go to hell including the likes of Mother Theresa this mans brain is so fried in relgious sickening hate and scholar
 Zakir Netflix channel called Peace is notnhig  but peace nut instread vile Islamic propaganda filed with verses thagt this terrorist sympasizer twists around and makes claim as tnhis man is desperately wishing he could be the Muslim Pope or somethiung thinking he knows better na hiding behind a religion to spread his form of hate.


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