The great Windsor noose hoax perplexes and worries Jeff Bezos

    Kevin Rooster

    The great noose scare and fear has returned  just out that the noose mania in Windsor, Connecticut has shut down the construction of a new Amazon warehouse and this is not good news for the stockholders of this monopolist company nor is it good for their billionaire plutocrat Jeff Amazon. The noose fear is brought to you by the Black Lives Matter  industrial complex as 79% of noose reports usually are fake and lies with the perpetrators of these ropes and nooses down by the Blacks themselves. Scott X Esdaile of the local chapter of the NAACP says without evidence these nooses are put out do to the racial tensions of the Derick Chauvin Floyd  George trial an d protest but we say this is is horseshit and thius man himself may have put up  the nooses wanting the mics and cameras and given the extreme history of racial hoax's this warehouse noose scare fits the Black mold. 

The absurdity of the latest reports of seven nooses in the new Amazon warehouse with closures of construction sites we predict will be another false allegation and hoax perpetuated by race-obsessed and always victim hood radical Black Marxists likely targeting Jeff Bezos and his

company in some sort of twisted extortion attmeot. Just like OJ Simpsons the noose is loose and mere crazy race news being  spread  by the corporate mainstream media jumping ahead of themselves with its reporting of the racism of these ropes and  there is no evidence of racism and the main clear objection is extortion by the Blacks. ABC news which is quickly rising in the racial lying mainstream news

sources is reporting heavily on this on their radio outlets and without evidence this news networks is reporting that this nooses are being done based on racism and again the global media along with Black funding is manipulation the fake news industry and creating this noose news garbage talk whcih if the Windsor police do their investigation and work will be attributed and traced to Blacks or some other cause much like the fake Bubba Wallace noose story which  was a direct attack on NASCAR and now Jeff Amazon and his company are in their target and zappy nappy braided  hairs.

We believe that the anti-racism training complexes which conducted a class following the "discovery" of this noose played a role in setting up these ropes and without and doubt the number of ropes will not be attributed to a racist despite the huge reward and the high probability is someone who seeks to exploit racism for attention and material gain is behind these ropes at the Amazon warehouse. The fake racism is a lucrative industry for the race hustlers of society. 

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