Chuck Todd goes after hard with tough love questions for Anthony Fauci

 Eric Ericson

   MSNBC sudden transition into hard right wing commentator has shook the world of broadcasting and Chuck Todd a few weeks ago made this transition in challenging and attacking little worm and troll face CDC and Chinese spokesman Anthony Fauci. Anthony is this old nasty work troll that is all over the media avoiding Fox television and before Chuck Todd took him to task the media was soft  on this old troll and avoided trying to sound like Jim Jordan or Rand Pal during interviews.

Anthony Fauci looks like a little birdie in the morning dipshit from China and it was great to see Chuck Todd ask this old jerk some tough questions in how long we are going to force kids to wear masks and make fake pretend that these little cloths that hide peoples mouths and makes breathing difficult plays any role in stopping or preventing the transmission of small droplets and disease. Todd wondered if these masks were so necessary why wasn't this brought our before when this whole Covid scared even began which  Anthony Fraud couldn't answer and then spoke in complete contradiction when this whole crisis started. Todd also mocked Fauci's desire to see people wear two masks,goggles, a oxygen tank,scuba suits, rubber gloves,condoms, football helmets and skating chin straps on their fuck faces .
 Chuck Todd is an amazing journalist and his transition into a soft ball left-wing troll soy puss into a hard right think tanker was amazing and his future at the left-wing media and MSNBC is in jeopardy as this network and others gerrymander their broadcast teams and annalists and in no way do they want one of their own to break down and anger their lord and savior Anthony Fauci whom Pope Francis and the global left are going to annotate as a saint  when this old geezerd dies and drops . Chuck Todd is an amazing protector for democracy and one of the best people in the media who is overlooked for his important role in attacking whomever is in the Whoite House and he feels is a threat to our republic. 

Anthony Fauci has benefited from this Coronovirus scandal as he mus tbe on e of th eleading figureheads whi spearheaded tnis conspiracy for China as thus man was unknown and never getting the media attention he receives now for his lunacy and stupidity as show by this great interview and tough questioning fork Todd Chuck who asked this eighty hyear old moron why he istelling vaccinated people they must still wear two or even three masks. 

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