Opto and Maurice of TopNotch Videos impersonate cops and the coming private police scrubs

  Bernard Romano

     Top Notch pranks own Opto and Maurice made a video where they impersonated police officers and actually pulled over a few people in a video from hell and somehow these guys were given clearance to make this prank video and pull over people in their own rigged police car. Opto and Maurice along with BaskTV prankers often go to the hood and ask lubricious questions posed to people often resulting in a beat down mainly for Darnell  and video production  leader and host Opto rarely ever gets the smack down leveled in the hood videos on his candy ass. 

Opto pretending to be a police officer is alarming as the one time coming  their trend of impersonating police officers should never be encouraged or considered comedy as obviously the Top Notch guys attempted with their silly little video and the idea of seeing Maurice and ahh Opto 

 Opto and his gang are not cops nor should they ever get confused as one and the last I looked impersonating a cop was a crime yet these clowns somehow are able to get play dress up as police. This alarming video showed how easy a group of original prankers can just get up and dress up in rent a cop uniforms and get a police car without a city logo and just pool over people and walkabout with knife sticks and tell people what to do and be searched. 
 Opto and Darnell liked this video because t was an opportunity to dress up and act like they had real authority and action being able to manhandle people barking orders . These two acted and were even more intimidating than real police and an alarming scenario of actual thuggish" private police forces with tattoos and dragon looking appearances can be the result of a defund the police movement where scum bastards like BaskTV,  Opto, and his clowns can eventually become private police officers. Te indelible right for protection and a strong competent  police presence is something not to be taken lightly and the result f not having on is having thugs like Opto and his prank thugs in uniforms.

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