Ugly Gwen Berry upset she is black and is a supremacist but feel triggered and depressed by beauty of Kaleigh Mcanay an Tomi Lahren

 Randolph Perkins

 Kaleigh Mcanay or Tomi Lahren . Who is hotter. This is was question that will never be posed about shot putter and racist American athlete activist and systematic racism of Democrats and the athletic complexes in Gwen Berry. Gwen Berry hates the American national anthem and the US flag as she has loyalty to the Black nationalist racist flag of the Red ,Black, and Green and Gwen berry is a racist vile anti-American and she should not be on the American track and field team. Gwen Berry is a hater because she knows and she feels inferior to the beauty standard and likes of women such as Tomi Lahren and former Trump press

secretary Kalyeigh McNemeny and this explains why this woman is such a radical extremist nutball shot putter who is triggered with her hate for the American flag and doesn't want to see or hear it when she finishes third and gets to be on the platform for the medals. Berry hates Kaliegh Mcnemeny and Tomi

Lahren and other hot blondes because Berry is a radical Black and is taught and pushed forward with an objective that Blacks are better and should be perceived as the standard of beauty when it in reality couldn't be the further from the truth. Berry is a shit had and was eviscerated by a Fox panel that included these

two gorgeous beauties in Kayleigh Mcanay  and Tomi Lahren and Berry I even doubt is a real woman she is so repulsive and must be a transvestite gender bender fake woman. Berry knows and is so jealous of Tomi Lahren and Kayleigh Mcanay  that her Black skin has a Green hue with Back rage and hatred and she was in particularity livid after the airing were these Fox panelists  blasted the shit off the head o Gwen berry.

This person Berry cannot show their face because they are a radical activist Marxist and use sports to bring about greater divisive racial and political talk and this is what motivates Gwen Berry more than actual competition of her love for throwing a heavy ball far. Mcanay and Lahren are hot and Berry is not and the question once again must be pondered and put forward who is hotter between the two blondes who at times actually makes the television look great with an appearance on a panel together. This question cant be answered but what can be is no one will ever confuse or call out Gwen Berry as attractive and she looks like someone and acts like someone who had the shot put ball land on her head. 

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