Argentine-Israeli troll David Pakman now lying and reporting seven right-wing anti-vaccine hosts have died from Covid while ignoring Dick Kay's death from the vaccine

   Noel Parker

   The lame ass left-wing fanatic bad podcaster and host known as David Pakman forever lies and is a fountain of misinformation and e and his ilk are elated and cannot shut up about reporting of the suppose deaths of these anti-vaccines through the right wing media outlets as Pakprick is now touting the deaths of seven radio hosts who are dead of Covid. Pakman ignores the number of radio hosts who were pro-vaccines and deplored the people to put this garbage poison into their bodies and then

succumbing and which numbers about the same as those who died of Covid and once again this leftist shit tries to propagandize and mislead people into thinking that Covid id a disease based on politics. Dick Kay of WCPT was a radical Marxist career political meddler an propagandist in the city of Chicago as a reporter and broadcaster and in his later golden years the dick head ran some local talk show  Chicago 1000 watts progressive radio station where he heavily interrupted and denied caller so disagreed with his medical fascism. Dick Kay took he acne in the early days as a paranoid

schizophrenic that he is of disease and it is the paranoid schizophrenia that run our govenrment and health systems making these insane job crushing horrible economic calls in their belief no one should ever die. Pakman says nothing of the other thousands of people becoming ill who were relatively healthy before taking a shit and there is no real proof that Covid was the underlying

cause of death of these numerous right-wingers whom Pakman said were spreading misinformation and getting people killed by trying to influence them not to take these rushed vaccines. If anyone is getting people killed it is the unholy alliance between big left media, lying internet liars like Pakman on YouTube, and bit Pharma rushing and demanding..often using government to get people given shit that may cause them untold

genocidal ahrm down the line and in Dick Kay and other left wing radio hosts death immediate and pronto. Pakmam was elated and seemed to be celebrating  the latest death the left lies and claims was from the double whammy of being a conservative against  vaccines and then having a talk show which must be a death wish and people with a big target and picture of a Covid ball on their back. Bob Emyart was the latest to die as Pakman ignores the fact that this man successfully sued the state in Colorado  form some forced vaccines of church groups as he was a pastor in Denver and this alone likely made the health fascists target and get this guy.

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