Uber Eats and the Gay industrial entertainment complex

   Troy York

   Uber is globalist worldwide cultural degradation company wishing to blast traditional cultures and push forward a gay agenda and the amount if unlimited and advertising deals this company  given to prop up the left wing media and its entertains is evident in all of these commercial pushing shit like the shit heads Ll Nas X abd Elton John. Advertising is a scam to further erase workers gains  instead spend it on already wealthy people and their gimmickry and this practice in itself is corporate corruption intended to spread inequality by any means.

The amount of free money these son of a bitches and in recent months this company has invested heavily in supporting and giving dozens of commercial to already filthy rich leeches and cockroaches that are Elton John and Little Nasty X who are only celebrities to begin with because of their sexual identity and not through their music that most music experts agree is atrocious and really really bad. A silly Nas Fuck ass X stated in his acceptance speech he thanked the gay agenda for his award san dit is the gay agenda that pushes pedophile and use of government to cover up the numerous child sex rings and trafficking that plague this country but are other wise described as being some Q anon conspiracy. Elton Johnnie and Nasty X are despicable celebrities  and because they are part of the despicable running the entertainment industry this is precipitously why they are promoted. The globalist system does

nothing but push the already wealthy and rich along with the often undeserving members of the entertainment class as Elton John was irreverent when I was a teen and nobody likes this guy or if they did they are long dead. These rotten globalist corporate mainstream cable monopoly award shows are losing their luster and few pay attention to it with old queens like Elton John and shit heads pushing Satan shoes and group sex like Nasty X and the ratings continue to tank and  many say the best thing to do about problematic shit like neurotic and eccentric celebrity culture is to ignore it and call and write into these companies like uber eats and ask them if they are set up to promote the interests and increase the wealth of  the celebrity  class instead of providing a service and a decent living for its drivers/delivery people. One has to winder much like Richard Pryor and Marlon Brando how many times John Elton and Nasty Little inch X have fucked each other in the ars.

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