Tyrone Magnus reacts to himself reacting to a MSNBC rebroadcast of him reacting to how bad was as a program

    Larry Frost

   Tyrone Magnus is a reactor who usually watches and reacts to programs and the other day Tyrone reacted to a video of  him reacting to himself watching another reaction if himself reviews and explain why the Friends television program was the worse program  he has ever seen.  The golden age of television was 1966 as every program was solid and by 1996 we had yuppie shit like Friends and upon watching  ten episodes later in life as I was busy back when with a collegiate and go go  lifestyle I am horrified that this over-hyped, over-rated dumb program was as popular as it was.

Tyrone Magnus was watching some of his past reactions to other reactions he has done long forgotten as both by this internet sensation and Magnus also felt the program with Jennifer Aniston and other bad actors a was as famous as it was but in reality this program was pushed because it was about New York and the coastal elites and the monopolists out this program and lied of it popularity in order to give themselves a greater feeling  for themselves and their region superiority.

This is just a theory but many people like Tyrone Magnus just think this show sucked ass and many Reddit discussion involve this stupid program and are mainly negative as many reflect and wonder how this shut and Seinfeld was on the aria d supposedly as popular as the  big media claim. This show blows and was another example of the growing feminization of television and pop culture as this show many estimated was dumb and nothing like Hogan' Heroes which was by far a more entertaining program and whether women like to hear it or not do to this authoritarian nature women are not funny nor ever will be funny in entertainment no matte how much the libs try to disprove this fact.
As Magnus makes point to react to this stupid show is difficult as most normals would make frowns and faces at the level of stupidity and lameness that this program exemplified and in no way should this program ever be celebrated as any ground breaking work or platform as it should rank among the  worse programs to ever exist and made it out of pilot creation and into a full front seasonal network program. This program likely has strong rankings if one were to measure and put a ranking system to the number of remote control uses and pushes through the years. Long gone by the mid nineties were great programs that took imaginative writers skill and difficulty to write and television was declining precipitously  when this garbage was produced and Friends exemplifies the end of programming that was actually entertaining  and not marketed. Log gone were great programs like Hogans Heroes that didn't have the same confusing and unfunny story lines and bad puns and jokes that this shit Friends was filled with and that much of the country didn't watch nor relate with but because New York runs television explains why this crap was on as long as it was with the fake ratings and popularity they served up.

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