Lonnie Yeager
Former Smashing Pumpkin star Bill Burr was out and rocking Chicago as he performed some of his famous Smashing Pumpkin hots at Chicago's Riot Fest where people had to show -proof they were vaccinated in order to enter this performance in Douglass park. Bull Burr rocked past midnight playing all of his hits without the other Smashing Pumpkins band mates and interestingly Billy Burr is selling much of his wear and guitars including the one which he had lost in the eighties and only recent had been returned to him and it appears either Billy the kid don't give a shit anymore or he is in desperate need for some quick cash as the former singer doesn't generate much
interest or incomes through his lame performances or past songs royalties as one would expect. Billy also use to be on many conspiracy programs and it appears that his plans. If Bill Burr reunites with the Pumpkins and starts performing again either finding a new younger crew to rock with or just goes solo bring in the occasional hit along with the classic he sang in the nineties. The performance at the recent Riot Fest was vintage Billy Burr and he brought out the Gig guitar one of hos favorite that he calls his baby and took a NFT of it an dis selling this digital image for a million dollars and fifty cents and he hopes it will sell even more an an auction. The lead singer also does a podcast here and there where he talks about his tea company and tea store in Highland Park an dhow he has to escape the old groupies thinking it is still 1999 again. Bill Burr has some many guitars that selling half of them will not even be noticeable.

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