Brian Brain
Congressman Jim Jordan attacked this dribble brain power puff white hair bastard in the White House calling him an illegitimate president and a constant harasser and distract er desperate to hide and cover up his dipterous regime. Jordan says everything that Theft Biden touches turns to a crisis and Hoe Biden is a puppet and was installed and elected by a rigged system to accomplish preciously this for this country and explains why the globalists in CCP China and Boris Monster John son of Great London financial city-state and other global financial bedwetters love this moron.
Joe Biden was at the UN and pretty much did what many Democratic presidents have done in the past and that is to capitulate to the Big Lie of climate disasters and use it to empower foreign forces with his commitment (financial) to help build back better and those organizations and companies that are committed to this Green socialist movement globally that seeks to take over other countries,lands, and stans. In no way should somebody this old ever be a global leader and Biden doesn't know shit of the Earths climatic unbalanced weather patterns and there is no more of a global climate change crisis than there was a hundred years ago is anything it is only echoed because there is a dis honest for hire media and many nor billions of people and properties now and unless one wants to go to a Ewoks from the planet Ewokia or 12 th century Robin Hood lifestyle they need to shut their Big Lies on ClimateJoe Biden is a raging lying lunatic whose brian is kaput as he won't shut up about climate change as he seeks to distract the country and world with his insane policies at the border. The geriatric bastard is encouraging illegal invasion migrations in support for the for-profit human trafficking criminal networks and this criminal act along with the funding and acceptance of jihadists in Afghanistan and recent legislation pushed forward by several Republican congressmen including Jim Jordan will call for the impeachment of this mother fucker. They need to impeach and remove this old son of a bitch dictator Biden from office as he endangers this country and our democracy.Biden's speech before the UN assembly and his plan of action is utterly ridiculous and he says and is preparing such action not to save the planet or actual belief to improve the planet but get money to overseas foreign entities and weaken this country this old man is such a treasonist bastard. Joe Biden is a career politician and a corrupt official unable to describe much of his experiences in deal making in the past losing memory and this is why he almost never makes mention of his political experiences and work in politics in the
past fifty years. Jim Jordan announced recnelty that he is seriously thinking about entering the 2024 primaries as he wants this bozo bum loser out of office. Not only did Bozo Biden capitulate to the EU kleptocrats and the Bog Lie of climate change but his near eighty year old son of a botch capitulated to the caliphate in Bananastan whose authoritarian 7th century barbarism has the support of his administration where one can stone a woman for being raped by a male non-relative or a hungry beggar can lose a hand for staling one banana at ahhhhh a Afghanistani Banana stand.
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