Woody Underwood
HBO globalist Bill Maher appeared on the pompous Jimmy Kimmel's program and they discussed a variety of topics including smoking dope and how much fear mongering and lies members of the ,mainstream media including MSNBC hosts Black supremacist Joy Reid and Scumbag Joe Scarborough. The Moron malfunctioned on the Democrats how many more Democrats believe the virus is fatal and something that will always cause hospitalization and severe illness if captured as many people are lead by the lying crooked media to believe that capturing Covid is an automatic death sentence or an automatic long stay hospitalization and this is because scum in the media like Scarbrough and Reid lie and misinform to push forward a cult like status and heroship for the medical industry as they erode
peopels rights through their draconian measures their money in politics enable politician to bravely enforce on the population. Maher deplored the media and called Jimmy and Howard Stern how fearful fucks paranoid at every turn that a Covid virus will go either up their nose or poop shoot. Bill Maher spoke of how difficult it was for live events to occur as people in large cities run by Democrats face fear and hurdles set forth by their local governance that make sit confusing to know whether there is a show or not with constant regulation and cancellation.
Maher then went on to further eviscerate the deceitful media and members like Joy Reid and Joe Scarbrough at MSNBC for constantly talking woke politics , , and spreading division and politics on their program and told people to quit talking about politics if they want to solve the problem of division in this country that is being lead by Chinese and Russian money into media complexes and funding trolls lie Jimmy Kimmel and others who seek to divide and spread hate.
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