Andrew Ng raises 57 billion dollars to bring AI brain to control all of Americas manufacturing and the sex robot industry

    Kevin Rooster

     In an attempt to help his business of AI platform former Google Brian headshot and rock star of promotional artificial intelligence Andrew Ng announced he had raised 157 million dollars in his new AI start up which seeks to aid manufactures to programmer their software and monitor it with AI all of the time as opposed to human beings. Andrew Ng is also looking for places to add his amazing artificial intelligence and the Stanford University academic says many industries should look at his AI

Landing company that aims to bring in more industrial machine learning where the machines can earn form one another when to turn on and off a high caliber machine as opposed to a human being who may be daydreaming and miss a time check. Andrew Ng appeared on the David Pakman program and announced his company had raised 567 million dollar to bring about from McRock financial and

Andrew Ng wants to be able to create a AI complex where every machine or living organism alive is totally  replaceable with untraceable AI. Andre Ng is a AI rock star and spokesperson for the Artificial Intelligence complex where he predicted all wars will be replaced by video game wars and people will be able to marry and fall in love with robots that have more intelligence with the opposite sex and he predicted the day is coming  where people will consider sex passe and old fashion and the future belongs to Artifician love and deep fake technology. Ng told people to have to accept reality and this is one where man must work with artificial intelligence that An drew Ng believes will be smarter than humans by 2030 and by then the common landscape will look more and more machine like whole humanity is to return to the caves and hide out much like it did when the Sabertooths and Velirapotors ruled the Earth. 

 Andre Ng wants these manufactures to think outside the box and there is not a occupation in existence that me Ng can' t think he and others could disrupt and replace as Machines should be doing all of the work and people should just go away and stay at home and enjoy these wonderful products and artificial entertainment t than men such as he bring about the world. 

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