Frank Banks II
Kyle Rittenhouse met the forty fifth president of the United States the other day and had a photo op with Trump in the days following his great escape from the Democratic Party vigilante justice. Rittenhosue case was clearly self-defense and it is utterly disgusting the power of the racist political left from the Democratic Party that had this man arrested and put in jail in a kangaroo court and media sensation that should never occurred in the first place. Kyle Rittenhouse has become very political
following this repression and injustice by those who would of rather see him die that night for daring to stand up to the radical Marxists in this country trying to extort city governments and business every time a thug criminal black is shot in cities and Kyle Rittenhouse defeated this Marxist attack and court case brought forth by the corrupt illegal money that so often funds these Brown Shirt organization like BLM and ANTIFA.
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