Arthur " The King" Eaton
Sports talk
King James had enough with the actions of the lower nobility as he performed on his court and he called up high ruling elite powers in the Natonal Basketball league and had some ejections. The King is being heavily criticized as a sensitive angered and troubled soul and Lebron James ability to kick out a large estate paying powerful couple made headlines a she performed in the sport of Basketball and for his dominions all to see how mad the King could become to the dissent and his court side criticism.
The James struck and had this power couple removed from his sight for their disrespect of th eking and Lebron James is facing more and more hate from his loyal subjects and that of the Los Angles Lakers who sooner or later may demand this king be overthrown and replaced on the roster as James bring more negativity than positivist to the organization and the sport. Lebron James pointed out the coupe that were giving him gestures or vpoicing their displease at hos play and the referees and league officials immediately pronto the fans out of there much to the delight of Lebron and his Lebronites from Los Angles who were in Indianapolis playing the Indiana Racers.
Rotten scoundrel scumbag mayor if Indianapolis Joe Hogsett was ashamed at the actions of Indians Pacers fans during this game as a government appointed Democrat he hosted the lord King and verbally apologized to Mr James and the Lakers organization promising to do all he can to take away the privileged and tickets of this unnamed nobility couple who pouted and mocked King James as the woman made her lips look big like a bicycle as she was lead off the Kings court. Mayor Hogsett was so upset at the antics and embarrassment James had to endure that Mayor Joe offered his wife for the night to aid and help King James mood which he kindly accepted but form sources couldn't perform as he was not in the mood after losing the game and being so disrespected live on national television.
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