Carlson Tucker
Consenting rough sex is good an di the Chicago ,Milwaukee, Indianapolis are much of sex escorts has been outsourced o immigrants whether they be brown or Yellows and how prostitution between consenting adults is till illegal we will never know. Bar Stool owner and blogathon pod caster Dave Portnoy loves pizza and pussy putting a premium on both and he appeared ion Tucker Carlson's program to descry a smear attack and campaign against him by some internet writer who I believe works at the Hill or Daily Beast. Dave Portnoy says this reporter has been harassing and contacting everyone he knows trying to find out whya prostitutes he uses and whit pizza parlors he really likes and goes to and what Dave Portnoy does oin his time and how much he spends on pussy and pizza is
none of anyone business. I once had a fiend friend co-worker at Central State University Central Illinois University Slobaoddan who was a migrant criss crosser globetrotter who claimed to be Yugoslavian, Russian,or Italian etc etc and basically this guy just traveled and went to school and entered countries illegally in student visas and ran up student debt he never intended to repay nut I digress. .
He would say there is no better sex combination of pizza and pussy and if you could find a woman that would allow that combination one should marry her pronto. Perhaps Dave Portnoy has some pizza pussy fantasy and he is worried about this pizza dream coming true and thus he appeared on Tucker Carlson to prepare the public for possible shocking news that will come out about this .
Dave Portnoy told Tucker that prostitution between consenting adult should be legal as is smoking weed and the the continual illegality of it is misogynist and with this the conservative host on Fox News actually seemed to agree with this. Portnoy and Carlson went to a midtown pizza parlor and Dave told Tucker off mic the rough kinky sex he is able to obtain easily in his large role in the media for cheap with his name recognition and buff shoulders and this guy is able to get laid at the will and get pussy as easily as he is able to get pizza and as a internet media star he gets money for nothing and sex chicks with dicks for free.
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