Russ Russo
In in a rare case of humility fascist New School of Fashion Professor Dr Richard wolf came on Jimmy Dore podcast and blasted the vaccine mandates and seems to have turned the corner on this move of the Democrats. Dr. Richard Wolff obviously sees the vaccine mandates as an attack on the working and middle-class of America and he is a little concerned that the Republicans and conservatives are leading the charge against the psychopath dictator Joe Biden and his sickening vaccine mandates they likely will go to the Supreme Court. Dr. Richard Wolff is hoping for the left and progressives to retake this issue and mr. Wolf realizes that this dictator old geriatric madman in the White House and his attack on the freedom of choice of a vaccine is a issue that should not be political and he doesn't want the Republicans to have full control of the resistance Dr. Richard Wolf seems to finally understand the
importance of individuality and personal freedom on the vaccine issue but the new School of Fashion is still a fascist any left-wing Maniac who looks to China for guidance and is most likely through the years been funded and this alone explains why a incompetent dumb boob Like Richard Wolff has appeared so many times given his radical Marxist views and views of Economics as a bad economics professor that he is perhaps Dr Richard Wolff appearance on Jimmy Dore podcast is a turning point for this long con man and admire of other incompetent left-wing Maniac academics as Cornell West which who often appears on his podcast through the years appeared recently some wonder if .
Richard Wolff is actually a real Professor or just a Democrat socialist coming this plant and maybe this plant is having second thoughts on his roots and his wishing to re-establish himself as a true liberal and one who would stand up to tyranny are regardless of political entity and for the last three decades the Democrat Party and their Governors and Senators have been third world tyrannical on the free individual freedoms and rights of the business community and the average citizen as Richard Wolff wore a old beanie hat from the 1930's as he lied and said that there is a rising and there is indeed a worker Rising but it is mainly made up of Republicans and conservatives who realized that the president and who sits and resides in the White House is a installed puppet and part of the war on America includes this repressive covid attack on our freedoms Liberties and economy
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