Alex Jones wants to strangle the little elf fuck tard Anthiony Fauci along with half of America

 Milton Wiener

     The arrogant little laugh and smirk and making himself into a political tool and hack for the Democrats was seen by this man termed here as the "little worm" Anthony Fauci and the narcissism  of such a little old dweeb explains why some little shits get so into science long needing the rush of power and fame form memorizing a subject and declaring something as fact when in fact

much of the socialism  of science are not so. Anthony Fauci has been wrong countless numerous times since Covid and ths man has not an a ounce of integrity anymore long being considered an annoying troll and a weasel shit. The arrogant interview seen through CBS Face The Nation was perhaps the turning point of this nasty old maniac of a hackass and a tyrant career bureaucrat as unlike Dr Memhat Oz this old idiot and

laughing hyena . Fauci is a fraud and a fucker and this man should be forced into retirement and many are wondering if he is staying on because he has fraudulently used and abused the funding of research and medical systems to such an extent he is frightful of the truth and fact scamming for big medicine and this is all he does as a medicine televangelist should be forced out for fraud should not be in such power and control of his role in the CDC. Alex Jones came on his censored but still huge Info Wars program and stated the numerous deceiving lies by this fraudster would of gotten other men thrown in jail and prosecuted for such actions. Anthony Fauci is a scumbag repressive lying troll and a puppet for the WHO which is ling held and controlled by China and this explains why this man has such a role and allowed to run his mouth on all of these media outlets bashing Ivermectin and the horseshit of him calling out out as Horse medicine as he works hard as the highest paid government employee (Makes more than the president) do hard for the increase profits of the large pharmaceutical business that fund him and increase his wealth with his holdings of stock in Pfizer, Moderna, and John son and Johnson. 


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