Jim Cramer gets called put for his bizare demands the military go door to door to force mandates

Jason Fool

 The Fool Report

    CNBC global corporate hack and scumbag shit face Jim Cramer came aboard hsi broing business program that few people enjoy and actually  are fans of this old fool and the foolish statements that Mr Cramer stated are deserving of this idiot being fired. Anthony Brian Logan and other patriots took to the internet the past few days and eviserated this mad idiot who runs some mad world pro-business and investing class and the man took his orders and money  for being pro-vaccine to a new insane level. ABL eviscerated Jim Cramer who somehow Anthony Brian was srill a fan and watched this clown

fools program until Jim Cramer came out and said the US military needs to go door to door and put a hyperthermal needle into their arms against their will and for Jim Cramer to say such nonsense one can clearly deduce that this jackass is a hackass for the large  corporate global money of the pharmaceutical industry.

This idea of Jim Cramer will never fly and is perhaps the most outlandish thing said by a media monarch since this big lie of Covid came out and many calls for the resignation and firing of May Mad ugly Jim Cramer is being made now as this idiot is a mask fascist and likely to say people will need to get masks stitched forced onto their face next. The idea that a foolish jackass and hack for global corporate bog money like Mad Money host Jim Cramer to call for the deployment of the US military to force people to get injected and infected  is sickening, shocking, and appalling and this maniac Cramer needs to go and BAL is done with this fuck face . Mad dog Jim Cramer saying the military needs to mandate a shot int he arm is like saying the military should enforce a anti bald mandate where shits like Jim Cramer are forced to have hair transplants or should be forced to wear a wig along with their mask and the most appropriate one for Jim Cramer is a White powdered wig or a clown multicolored Bozo the clown type piece. 

Jim Cramer pushes the pro big business and global corporate behemoths  and if these companies called for another  holocaust one must wonder if this asshole Jim Cramer would come out and support it this fucker is so evil and a ugly troll. Once again kudos to Brian Anthony for observing and calling out this mad piece of shit at corporate big media outlet NBC as another medical hack for the leftist quack agenda of pushing vaccines that are effectively worthless and the same data and lies of it being 70 or 80 or 90% effective in their" studies that prevent hospitalization rates are an egregious bold face lie and intended to give support of the wasteful government spending and constant media harassing to take these fucking vaccines that big Pharma and big media have conspired  to " mandate". 

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