Angry captive gay gorilla throws gorilla shit at zookeepers

 Jake Glass

 Animal Stories

   A captured and imprisoned Gay Gorilla in a East Coast zoo was observed and filmed showing its discontent at its captivity as it was filmed throwing Gorilla shit at zoo staff. Gorillas  and other animals denied their freedom and denied the right of it to live as wild animals. How zoos are sill allowed and thriving in this day of age is surprising and is not heavily investigated and condemned enough and the desperate act of this Gay Gorilla throwing its ca ca at zoo staff pretty much exposes  the miserable condition of large mammals in this zoos who are imprisoned like somebody on death row. The Gay Gorilla scientifically named and tagged as GYBLO99 threw its shit and then ran off

scared of its captivity and not oblivious to it possible punishment consequences  for committing such a act and this Gorilla showed some guts to do this and resit its captivity and because ahhhh of this I will nominate this Gorilla Primate of the year in primatology magazine. The bravado and bravery of this captured and unsuccessfully  imprisoned Gay Gorilla has impressed animal rights and animal overs form around the world encouraged with this impressive display of resistance against the Apes handlers which GYBLO99 correctly estimates is the source of his problem of captivity. This is a planet of the Apes scenario and some are saying this Gay Gorilla may indeed try to

escape and be the beloved " Caesar" of the Planet of Apes movie fame and the release of this Monkey needs to occur and the continued captivity of our large Neanderthal type glugs in this great Ape is just cruel and twisted and should be outlawed by government and zoologists from around the world. 

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