Sick fear-mongering health fascists push lies cases in Germany as maniacs like professor Doctor viral idiot Christian Drosten threaten German freedom

Brandon Hunter

Lets Go

     How long without going Frankenstein ugly bitch German leader Angela Merkel sick Health officials in Germany are warning and attempting to spread fear as they claimed a fourth covid wave is hitting the country. The amount of fear-mongering and demands for new vaccine shots is being felt in Germany as a new Terran radical tyrannical movement has been begun to get more vaccinations from the German population who has thus far resisted heavily. The psychopath Angela Merkel and German Health official nut ball Christian Drosten  hey come out and said that 100,000 Germans will be dead within the next 3 to 4 weeks without a shred of evidence and a hint of them knowing what the hell they're talking about.

This authoritarian attack on the German people by the medical Marxist is the actual 4th wave this is the fourth wave of attack of tyranny by the health industry in Germany. The four properties of the big pharmaceutical companies have noticed that many Germans have not had their vaccines let alone 3rd 4th and 5th boosters and this is why we are seeing such a big media concentrated Blitz on the rights and individual liberties of the German people through the evil Prophet speaks of big Pharma. Angela Merkel is a treason to the German people and a nut and she should not even be speaking anymore and she is on her way out another problem are the Krupp German who serve China and big Pharma globally and do not have the best interests of the German people and they will be held accountable. Virologist Christen Drosten is leading the current wave of science attack on freedom in Germany and pushing the fear mongering drug that leftist health fascists and Nazis.

The undemocratic kleptocracy are using liars and scum like Christian Drosten to spread their lies and fears in this war against the Middle  Class and shopkeepers and a war of oppression form govenrment and the white lab coats --who are modern day brown shirts-- is successfully installing a pre-conditioning new authoritarian drive to erase gains made through the centuries of dive towards more equality in society. The lying CDC and shits like fascist Christian Drosten are using the biog lie of Covid  to aid in the rebuilding of a new feudal system of lefty-wing driven undemocratic socialism and poverty for the masses while those like this repressive new noblemen Dr professor Christian Drosten live like modern day noblemen serving the one party open borders world order monopolists of business and govenrment, Bubble boy Christian Droster wants every to dress like a spacemen when going out in public and he and other white lab rats are the heir apparent to crazed Angela Merkel

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