Congressman Jim Jordan comes on Billy Cunningham's radio show and let loose on stooges of quack health including Anthony Fauci and Perter Hoetz allowing Joe Biden's repression to continue

   Ed Anger

    Congressman Jim Jordan came on Billy Cunningham and totally ripped apart the ass of Theft Joe Biden bringing up the long laundry list of the mans failures  and how Joe Biden has been a total embarrassment. Jim Jordan also ripped the medical underlings of the administration and blasted the continual fear mongering conditioning effort of the Democrats to accept each and all health decree repressive liberty destroying attmeot by the Medical Marxists and he included the two pieces of shit

Anthony Fauci and Peter Hoetz as constantly coming and lying to the American people . These two hacks for increased medical tyranny now have another contrived variant of misinformation and scare crow tactic in the Omricorn  and Jordan explained why the Medical Communist skipped over tow other Greek alphabet as not to offend the current Winne the Pooh dictator in charge in China.

Dr Peter Hoetz and Anthony Fauci are tow enemy agents working in tandem to aid and allow the CCP direct access to our health care system and then use it and its personal to wage a repressive cultural fourth generational communist war against international freedoms and right of

movement this plan is so nefarious and Jordan warned sooner or later pressure will be put on this madman dictator Jinping Xi wanabee currently sitting his old ass in the White House. Jordan told the great American and longtime talk radio legend and host Billy Cunningham that the medical maniacs seek total power and control

and this tactic has been successfully used in China and other repressive regimes using the health system against the citizens and this attmeot in America is facing a road block in Europe and America as people in these societies hold the values of freedom and liberty important and see evil where it exists and right now it is in the eyes of these three authoritarian bastards of undemocratic  socialism in Joe Biden Anthony Fauci, and pedophile looking Peter Hoetz. Jim Jordan called for Anthony Fauci to be fired and prosecuted for his crimes and this maniac dumbass in the White House to be impeached at first possible opportunity and the necessary for Republicans tyo get control of congress and the senate to proceed with the replacement of this old shit in the White House

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