Dr Mehmat Oz is running for Pennsylvania Senate and he's considering running for president in 2024

     Payton Jenkins

     Actor Mehmat Oz had eyes is running for Pennsylvania Senate and he's considering running for president in 2024. This was a stunning news as Doctor met had asked the award-winning and media Frenzy fake doctor came on and announced his bid to seek the US Senate in Pennsylvania. Man had eyes is a Indo-Pako Doctor Who has long been celebrated as a award losing author and constant media guest to talk his Wizardry and Quack doctor approaches through life. Dr.Oz ego is larger their Mount Rushmore and this man that really thinks that he can be US senator just because he appears and CNN and MSNBC and talks horseshit bullshit and medical quackery. This man is a serious candidate as everyone knows Dr Oz as he is a rock star in the medical industry and a brave soul willing to take on big pharma and call out the restrictive unnecessary press on freedoms that other quack undemocratic socialist doctor and medical professions push and this man is determined to fight for the rights of Pennsylvanians to be free form bog government madness and control overreach that unfortunately the bought and owned for Democratic Party has become for global corporate heath entities and organization who actually want to make more people sick than otherwise save or cure the,,

Dr Oz in another one of his great speeches form speaking tour

Dr  Oz has joined a crowded field for the Pennsylvania US senate seat that is open and many people believe that his name recognition brand, and Celebrity Status will have him easily Coast to the US senate seat and Beyond. Many political pundits believe that met head eyes will quickly rise through the ranks of politics much like Barack Obama did in 2003 after he won the US senate seat and many people are thinking that men had as will likely run for president in 2024 oh, but there are those that think that he will wait until one 2028 after he has added some years of experience in the US Senate. Doctor Mehmat Oz is a wizard and a a rock star doctor of the media who is a jackass and a half in the vast majority of people would never even pick and choose a man with such a name. 

This of course is a different era and the in the Land of Oz someone like Mehmat Oz can come from Uzbekistan or Bananstan and could become president very quickly and in some ways this clown actually is much more qualified to become leader and president then Barack Hussein Obama was back in the day. Dr Mehmet Oz is a conservative and a Republican and he will run under the Republican party or make a third party run under his Land Of Oz third party and Mehmet Oz hopes his name will be easily recognizable along with his face as he has been peddling alternative pseudoscience homosexuatherapy and other alternative medicine of  bird brain and bee wax ideology as a doctor of nonsense and horseshit. 

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