The punk Hick Scott Horton and crazed leftist guest Lyle Goldstein wants American foreign policy to betray Taiwan and not support it if it comes under attack from the CCP Chinese

    Rusty Stone

    The Scum Scott Horton was at it again recently  doing his little listened to podcast and hosting a program with a guest named  Lyle Goldstein and the topic of Taiwan was the main focus of the program. Scott Horton is a writer and speaker advocate for the increased power and prestige of other nations, lands, and stans and primarily this man wishes to see Russia , Iran, and China control much of the world and see our role diminished. why this Texas native would support such a policy in unknown and I am surprised this guy--who is both a punk and a hick--has not already been named to Joe Biden's national foreign policy team I am a bit surprised as a dog like Scott Horton is right up to the shit Mr Biden wants in important key positions on this country.

Scott Horton is either an apologist for China or a key monetary paid hack which he sounds and his reason is is because China has one billion people and Taiwan doesn't we should sacrifice and not come to the aid of this independent nation should the brutal and evil Red Communist Chinese attack these peaceful people and key component  of global trade and ship- production and Scott Horton is a jackass. Under his logic we should let Russia invade and take over the Baltic Republics ,Ukraine or how about even Scandinavia because Russia has a much large population and fighting them would be costly and futile. Scott Horton is a punk and a dumb ass who has no logic and his only goal as a public

speaker, writer, bad propagandist podcaster is to empower the authoritarian undemocratic evil governments and theocracies around the world a psychopaths such as he seem to get enjoyment of such nation build and rule. Horton and Goldstein lie and as libertarians think working and not getting involved with such a tyrannical state as China and allowing them to do as they please is appropriate foreign policy and this simp for China thinks along with his crazed guest Goldstein that we should look the other way and not fight for Taiwan  sovereignty and whether these two fools would feel the

same way if Russian took Alaska or China Hawaii is not known but likely probable they would think the same way. The Hick Horton and hois hack guest former Naval intelligence officer Lyle Assholstein speak up against war for Taiwan's sovereignty because they are hacks and worship the CCP and Jinping Xi and one must wonder if these two are indeed card caring members of the CCP and plans and spreaders of misinformation in general which may explain why these two grafters are so quick to stab  Taiwan in the back.

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