Chris Cuomo humiliated and suspended by CNN/ CCP party and he considers running for president in 2024

 George Jenner

    CNN hack broadcaster and son of Marion jackass Chris Cuomo is out at CNN and now they need to go after the homo Don Lemon after this successful take down. Chris Cuomo is a silly jackass and  a dumb mother fucker who just had to leave his cushy and brother provided media gig opportunity he had for almost a decade as a propagandist for the Chinese globalist owned CNN network that essentially speaks for the CCP Chinese interests in this country. Chris Cuomo is accused of aiding an d lying on CNN to help his brother while he was facing accusation charges with numerous sexual harassment cases against him that he and his brother Chris learned to sexually harass and abise  women from their infamous former Governor father Mario Cuomo.

Chris Cuomo though despite this   has some comedy as I laughed at the stupid shit he attempted ot be funny and despite his faults I would say he is funner and more qualified of a host that these six late night shit talk show hosts from Colbert to Trevor Noah and perhaps Chris Cuomo should get a late night comedy talk show after this . Chris Cuomo has has much if not more talent than the two bozo asshole Jimmy...Kimmel and Fallon and I think more people would turn in into perhaps a comedy political show that Chris Cuomo has potential and indeed already CBS and MSNBC have expressed interest in Chris Cuomo as he is a free agent and may indeed get a late night talk show Of course, Chris can and is thinking about following his more famous brother and father in politics and he will start with Orange County dog catcher  before moving onto mayor of Buffalo and Governor of New

York before we predict he will choose to run for president ahhh around 2032. Either a late night talk show which we believe  he would do a much better job that Seth Myers or a John Oliver despite his limited experience or talent to do  or by entering politics and continuing the Cuomo dynasty running for Buffalo mayor someday soon Mr Cuomo will not easily go away despite his indefinite suspension and apparent firing from the CNN CCP network. Now all we have to do is to get that shit head Don Lemon off that network too./

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