Health fascist and sick troll fuck Dr Faisal Khan the new brown face of authoritarian control and ignorance in the woke health industry

  Carlson Tucker

    Once again  a Brown or Yellow doctor likely not born on this country is attacking the rights and civil liberties of those who want to choose their own health procedures and not have the state also decides your  personal health  decisions. Dr Faisal Khan has thankfully been dismissed and will not be leading the St Louis county and his ouster was great news in the fight against the radical Medical Marxists may of whom like this creep were born outside of the United States and seeks to erase all of our constitutional rights because this brown shit Faisal Khan is a Brown Nazi likely Islamo fascist as well The son of a botch and dog had sent emails to his staff telling them that the lunatic fringe fighting forced vaccinations and resisting mask needs to pay and he wanted to further aid the health imperialists form forcing more of their will and empower as mad dogs lie Khan push for people to be forced to wear masks at hoe around their family members and face fines and heavy surveillance to enforce

compliance . Dr Faisal Khan's act was so fiendish  and egregious  his tenure had to put up for a vote by tb e St Luis Board under heavy public pressure voted and got rid of this clown and agent for Cuba and China and attorney General of Missouri Eric Schmidt and potential US senator called for their reversal  of this maniac Paki-Indo doctors credentials and crazed mask mandates he wanted to keep applying and forcing ...ahhh apparently forever in the St Louis  metro area.

The reason were forced to wear these stupid paper and cloth face diaper sis because of the fuck face foreign born sometimes Muslims we allow into our country who pose a threat to our very culture ad freedoms and in many cases it is under a health White jacket and not a camouflage military one because of fools and anal animal raping perverts and those that come from that culture like Faisal Khan are given too much power under their position to perpetuate the big lie and create fake case numbers and Covid scare crow tactics in order to implement undemocratic socialism.

The lunatic fringe is not those in  America pushing our constitutional rights since 1776 when we fought off such oppressors like this St Louis County health monster but the lunatic fringes are these mask health fascist like this Pakistani doctor who should go back to his banana stand and serve it instead of being hear and trying  to force us to take shits from foreign shit head brown doctors and Nazis sch as himself. This Genghis Khan fuck face maggot got what he deserved being taken off as boss of St Louis Country health fascism and the fascism of these leftist doctors must be continued to be resisted as this fascist hates resistance to the iron rule of these CDC  and WHO globalists who think they are above the law and should be in control in every aspect of your life and what you need tom pout into your bodies psychotic  system that has men like Khan in positions of authority  and who are eager to abuse this  power because they are son of a bitches and a son of a dog like Faisal Khan.

This maniac Dr Faisal Khan is just one of many Democratic Party medical quacks and hacks attempting to erase your freedoms on part of the globalists and he was resisted and taken out by the brave patriots of St Louis country and more resistance and tactics like this need to be conducted when one of these lunatic fringe medical fascists are discovered and exposed. 

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